Prom Info

Written on 10/24/2023

Hello Grade 12 Families,


Graduation and prom will be here before we know it! If you haven’t already done so, please join the ‘Dartmouth High Community Prom’ Facebook group to stay up-to-date on Prom 2024 (or email: to receive updates).


The prom is confirmed for Saturday, June 22nd at the Lord Nelson Hotel.  As you may be aware, DHS prom is a completely parent-organized and parent-run event. While we do have a prom-planning committee, it will take many more of you helping out to ensure that this year’s prom is a great one. Fundraising is the main way that we can provide a great prom experience while still keeping prom expenses for students down. Throughout the school year, we will be engaging in several prom fundraisers which we will need your help with.


Our first fundraising initiative is a Gift Card Raffle.  This fundraiser will involve collecting gift cards to create a prize bundle and then distributing raffle tickets for students/families to sell.  The draw will be December 15th so this requires a quick turnaround. 


We are asking that all graduate families contribute to the raffle by sending in a gift card ($25 value).  Beginning this week, gift cards can be dropped off at the office and placed in the ‘Dartmouth High Community Prom’ envelope. All gift cards must be dropped off by Thursday, November 9th.  


Thanks to those who have expressed an interest in prom planning. There are many more opportunities for all to help, including a December bake sale, a Spring parent dance, sponsorships, bottle exchange programs and more. Refer to the Facebook page for updates on these activities. For today, we need your immediate help with making the Gift Card Raffle a big success!


Thanks, in advance, for your participation.


Maureen McVicar

Dartmouth Community Prom Committee